Milcu Alexandru
Thuesday 9th March
Today I got acquainted with those Danish children.Before the bus arrives, all of us had emotions. We still hope we can be friends with them and we communicate as much .After arrival coach, each of us has known each partner and then we went to the house. My partner, Andreas, at first sight seemed a nice guy. I talked to him on the way home, between us was forming a friendship. Andreas was very tired, as well as other Danish children, after a tiring journey.
Wednesday 10th March
Today, we and the Danish knew each other better. We went to school, where we participated in various fun activities. We participated in the Danish lessons while participating in lessons Danish Romanian. after school we rested and we encounter the Promenade Mall to have fun.
Thursday 11th March
Today was like yesterday. We participated in school activities and we had fun all day long.
Friday 12th March
Today was the big day. We all gathered at ten o'clock and went to Busteni. On the way we visited the memorial house of Ion Luca Caragiale. July Hasdeu Palace and Museum Nicolae Grigorescu.
Saturday 13th March
Today we did our head inBusteni. We visited the city of Brasov, with the objects of interest: Black Church ,Rasnov citadel and Mc’Donalds. We had fun all day long and in the night we danced and sang at the party of the century.
Sunday 14th March
Today we said good bye to the mountains.On the way we visited the Peles Castle ,
Cezar Petrescu museum and Bran castle.
Monday 15th March
Today, after school, we went by boat on the Danube, admiring the countryside.
Tuesday 16th March
Today was a day culture.We watched a performance art with music at the theater Maria Filotti.
Wednesday 17th March
Today we continued at school the Danish lessons and the principal activity we main learning a Romanian popular dance.
Thursday 18th March
Today we said goodbye to our dear friends. We wished them good journey
to Denmark and we hope that they have enjoyed the experience and keep the friendship between us.
My Special Diary from Denmark
28 March
At twelve o’clock in the night we started our road to the great Denmark.First we went by the bus to Bucharest,where we took the plane to Paris and then to Copenhagen.When we arrived in the airport from Copenhagen we were very tired because the road took 20 hours.We took the train to Horsens and we spent another 3 hours.We were so excited beacause it was the first time after an long year when we saw our friends from Denmark.We arrived and we embraced our partners for a coupke of minits and met their families.Then we went to their homes,see the around,have a short talk with the partners and their families and go to bed because we were very tired.
29 March
In the first day we visited their school with guided tour.Then we participated to their classes and we had a Dilemma to debate,each with his partner.After the lunch we had a guided tour around the center of the city and some free time for shopping.When I arrived at my family we had a special dinner and then we had fun,playing ps3,watching TV or listening music.After this I rested myself for the next day.
We had a special day and I think I can call it ,,Piggy day”.First we had biology classes where we worked with ,,real instruments”
like pig heart and pig lungs.Then we visited Danish Crown,one of the best slaughterhouse in the world.After we went back we had free time.My classmates,Dan and the gluttonous Cezar and their partners went to my partner’s house and we had fun watching TV,drinking Cola and playing PS3.And also we went to bowling where we also had a special dinner.
31 March
We went to Arhus where we had free time for shopping ,a guided tour and a citywalk ,also visiting an art museum.That night we went to OPGANG 2 where we saw a play about a danish god.
1 April
We went to another museum where we saw pictures of a danish artist. Then we had danish classes,the Dilemma to dibate and then we had free time.That day Cezar and his partner come to Andreas and me and we ate mexican food and play again on PS3.
2 April
We went to another wonderful city called
Odense where we visited Hans Christian Andersen memorial house(I bought there
some souvenirs) and then we had a citywalk and some free time to eat
something.Then we went to Wigwam camp where we spent the night at the campfire
eating marshmallows.We resisted till twelve o’clock and then we slepped.I had
the luck to sleep near to 2 pigs(Cezar and Dan)because they drew strange sounds
from their mouth and ass.
3 April
We had to do a project about cretivity and science with the title ,,Save our world”.We cooked,my team made the breakfast.About the project my team made a short movie about the difference between poor and rich people.After we took the lunch and had some fun the parents of our partners took us at home.In the afternoon m and Andreas went to Claus place,the partner of my piggy friend Cezar.
4 April
After we had danish classes we went ti
Industrimuseum where we saw a lot of old machines and the old villages.We had a
good guieded tour and then we had again freetime.In that freetime me,Dan,Cezar
and our partners played football and had a lot of fun togheter.
5 April
After the ordinary classes we went to VIA university where we had a guided tour and lunch.Then we went for the last time in the city to make some shopping and buy some souvenirs(for Cezar some food).
6 April
We visited the gymnasium/high school.
That night we and the teachers made a giant buffet and like always the children had to set the tables and chairs.After we ate we presented our projects to the families of our partners.
After we finished with the buffet we went to a club where we had fun all night long with biliards,hockey and table tennis,also with a lot of drinks and traditional Romanian songs(for Romanian people,,manele”).
7 April
I woke up earlier to have enough time to say goodbye to my second family.After I said goodbye to the mother,sister and brother of Andreas his father took us to the rail station .It was very hard to say goodbye but we had to accept the ideea to leave our friends.In the train Cezar ate a ;ot till the airport.
We arrived home after again a long road safely,enjoying the time with our parents.I miss u Denmark and I can’t wait to see them again.Greetings from Romania!
By Milcu Alexandru
Characters:Milcu Alexandru, Barbu Cezar,Dan Comsa