Andrejs Upitis Skriveri Secondary school (further in text - school) is Skriveri district founded education institution that organizes and realizes education process offering comprehensive opportunities to learn using different learning programmes. In 2016./2017. study year in school are realized 5 learning programmes (3 in primary and 2 in secondary level) and one specific for civic skill developement. In school studies 375 students, there works 46 teachers who all have higher education (masters or equivalent). There operates 7 teachers methodological commissions and exist 28 after school activities. In school works all kind of support personal (social pedagogue, psychologist and speech therapist. School has long experience in project management and cooperation with local and regional business with aim to increase students understanding and interest of civic and social enrepreunship. Every study year students are involved in "Actual events contest" where they have to follow the news in the media. In the end of the study year, the 6-8 best ones are attending meeting with EU parliament members of Latvia in Brussels. The schools mission is to provide holistic and civic education with focus on human and emotional intelligence. In the same time there are strong belief in democracy and rights.