
The distributions of tasks will among the partners will be based on the principle of equability. Partners agree to distribute tasks
according to skills, competences, knowledge, experience and abilities of each partner school.
All schools participating in the project will be responsible for organizing a translational simulation of one of the five basic EU institutions.
All partners take the responsibility to jointly develop and implement new learning and teaching methods (multidisciplinary, learner-centred and real problem-based teaching and learning) that offer pupils, especially the ones coming from a lower educational and sociocultural background, many chances to succeed academically, to achieve social integration and upgrade their status, become active members of society and learn how to increase their emotional awareness. But in order to do so all partners need to increase their capacity and professionalism, so as to meet the project's objectives.

The e-Twinning platform will be used throughout the implementation of the project for -The communication between the partners -The following up of the project -The exchange of good practices .
We expect academic outcomes associated with participation in innovative learner- centered school programmes which may include:
-a better attitude towards school and aspirations for higher education,
-a better performance at school, as measured by achievement test scores and grades,
- improved homework completion and engagement in learning,
- pupils develop their skills of self-expression and public speaking
- increased competence in foreign languages
- increased media literacy
- increased ICT skills and competences and scale up the use of ICT-supported learning
furthermore we expect social-emotional outcomes associated with participation in interactive school programmes which may include that pupils:
- achieve social integration, upgrade their status and become become active citizens

S(t)imulating European Identity (EUSId) is an approved ERASMUS+ KA2 project with the following particioating countries: Greece, Portugal, Latvia, Filand and Romania. EUSId is about bringing European teenagers together in order to foster a European identity and consciousness based on plurality, tolerance and cooperation between individuals, as well as strengthening the European civil society by further developing democratic processes on the national and international levels. Project activities will focus on simulation procedures of European Union main institutions: the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Court of Justice. The implementation of the project requires the use of Erasmus+ online platform like e-Twinning.