Water Questionnaire
1) How many people live in your household?
a) No. of women
b) No. of men
c) No. of children
2) What’s your family’s attitude towards saving water?
a) We often talk about it
b) My parents mention it from time to time
c) We don’t talk about it
3) Do you pay attention when the tap is dripping at home?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes
4) What kind of water do you drink at home?
a) Tap water
b) Bottled water
c) Other such as mineral
5) What do you use for getting washed?
a) Take a bath
b) Take a shower
c) Other such as a sauna
6) When taking a shower / brushing your teeth do you ...
a) Let the water run all the time
b) Turn it off
c) Both, it depends
7) How does your family do the washing up?
a) Under running water by hand;
b) By hand but without letting the water run
c) Using a dish-washer
8) How often does your family wash the car?
a) Once a week
b) more than once a week
c) less than once a week
9) Do you experience any water shortages at home/ school?
a) No, never
b) Rarely
c) sometimes
10) Why could fresh water be no longer available in the future?